Today The Manager is Also Very Kind Ch. 105

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As a result, it had became a hot commodity, and both artists and sponsors wanted to get involved.

However, such a program could not only make artists popular, but also brought bad luck to them, especially those who were too lazy to work, had zero physical and mental abilities, and had no independent ability. If this type of person did something again on the show, they would basically be hacked to death without any suspense.

The other was Liu Sanyan, a semi-permanent guest on this show. He was thirty-five years old this year. He was a complete variety artist, born for variety shows, with first-class ability and humor. He had participated in five wilderness survival events and was the guest who had participated the most times besides Li Nan'an.

Li Nan'an was an uncle in his forties, stylish but not greasy. He and his wife had a daughter. The daughter was about the same age as Ning Ning, so he liked this little girl very much when he saw Ning Ning.

"Hello, Senior Li! Hello, Senior Liu! I'm Ning Ning." Ning Ning greeted politely.

"Hello, hello! I have long heard that Lao Tan said that a little girl would come this time, but I didn't expect that a skinny little girl would come." Lao Tan was the producer of the show. There was no disgust in Li Nan'an's tone, but rather enthusiasm and joy.

"Ning Ning is a mixed race! So beautiful!" Liu Sanyan asked curiously, looking at her big curved water-gray eyes and delicate European-style double eyelids.

"Yes, my mother is a foreigner." Ning Ning spoke crisply and pleasantly.

The three of them chatted about other things and soon became closer.

After a while, several other guests also appeared one after another. There were a total of seven people participating in this life, two women and five men. Ning Ning was the youngest.

The guests all have good personalities and were all pretty. As soon as they saw Ning Ning, a cute little girl, they had the idea to protect her.

In addition to Ning Ning, Li Nan'an, and Liu Sanyan, there were also Yu Yin, a member of a sexy female idol group, Yuan Fei a young actor, Yang Jiaheng a young actor, and Yu Wei a host. Like Ning Ning, these people were participating in this show for the first time.

Yu Wei and Ning Ning were old acquaintances. Q&P once participated in the variety show "After the Light" hosted by him. Yu Yin was Ning Ning’s senior, and her group Diana debuted four years earlier than Q&P.

After all the people finally arrived, the chief director of the program team said some precautions, and then asked the staff to check their backpacks to see if they had brought any "prohibited items." After the inspection, except for Ning Ning who was the best behaved and Li Nan'an and Liu Sanyan who were experienced drivers, everyone else was die in the battle.

Yu Yin brought a large bag of thirteen incense*, which was large enough to treat the whole group to three meals. Yuan Fei brought three packs of instant noodles, and Yu Wei brought a bottle of Lao Gan Ma**.
(TN: *Thirteen Incense: refers to 13 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines or seasonings made from powdered ingredients including purple pepper, Amomum villosum, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, cumin, woody incense, Angelica dahurica, Sannai, galangal, dried ginger, etc.; **Lao Gan Ma or Old Godmother is a brand of chili sauces made in China.)

Director Hu, who was wearing a mustache, said with a smile, "We are really all set this time, Wang Shouyi, XX, and Tao Huabi are all here."

The three people who had violated the precepts all smiled sheepishly.

Finally boarding the plane, after a five-hour flight, they finally arrived at the capital airport of a country in Southeast Asia. Because this place was close to the equator, the temperature was quite high, so as soon as they got off the plane, everyone took off their large cotton-padded jackets and put on thin clothes. You must know that the imperial capital of China where they started was still covered in white.

Ning Ning didn't have the courage to bare her arms and thighs, so she had to cover herself tightly no matter how hot it was. She also applied two layers of sunscreen on her face. Although she was naturally fair, she couldn't resist the scorching sun near the equator, which would cause sunburn.

Ning Ning was the only girl in the team, and she was also the youngest, so all the older brothers, younger sisters and uncles want to take care of her and help her carry her luggage.

Of course Ning Ning felt it was too heavy, but she still refused their help with a smile. She didn't take much, and if the audience saw it, they wouldn't praise other people's gentlemanliness, but would hacked Ning Ning for being pretentious.

The place they chose to survive this time was on a small island in Southeast Asia. It was sparsely populated, covered with rainforests and vegetation, but it looked very desolate and primitive. At one end of the island lived an aboriginal village of fifty or sixty people. They wore cool and simple clothes and had almost no contact with outsiders.

For the safety of the guests, the program crew shamelessly tried to find an aboriginal guide for them. Because the guide did not speak a common international language, the program team also had to hire someone from that country who could speak both the local language and English as a translator.

All credit goes to the original author
Feel free to pinpoint us if there are any grammar error or typos
Please don't use Guazi's translation to re-translate in other languages

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