Vocabulary Commonly Used in C Novel

Country Names in China *Feel free to correct me or comment if you know something I don't know

A Country =
B Country =
C Country = North Korea
D Country = Germany
E Country = Russia
F Country = France
G Country =
H Country = South Korea
I Country =
J Country = Canada
K Country =
L Country =
M Country = USA/America
N Country =
O Country =
P Country =
Q Country =
R Country = Japan
S Country =
T Country = Thailand
U Country =
V Country =
W Country =
X Country = Hong Kong
Y Country = United Kingdom
Z Country = China


0: Shou (in China)/receiver/uke (in Japan)/bottom

1: Gong (in China)/attacker/seme (in Japan)/top

37-21: Whatever happens; regardless of the consequence


A meal (一顿 yī dùn): a..., one... (meal, beat, scold, etc.); a brief rest; a Chinese word that means to stop.

Abusing the Dog: For those couples who are more unrestrained, and have little concern for a “light bulb” as described above, the couple may be willing to display affection in front of someone else. If it happens that the person around the couple is a “single dog,” that person may feel sadness or jealousy about not being in a relationship.
A modern Chinese youth may now think “stop abusing the dog,” where as an American would more likely think, or even say “get a room” to such a couple.

Amway (安利): Verbalization of the US company Amway's Chinese name. Possibly due to the company employing pyramid scheme-like techniques in mainland China, making its sales representatives promote their products in passionate and hyperbolic ways.


Baba (Bàba;爸爸): Dad; father

Bamboo horse (竹马): childhood sweethearts; a couple who grew up as childhood friends

Bao Yang (包养: bāo yǎng): to provide for; to keep (a mistress). It's Gu Qingyan status/title as he and Lu Ran has an unspeakable relationship (boss X employee)

Bell mouth (铃口 líng kǒu): the urethral exit (BL slang)

Big moon retreat (大月退): Thigh

Black dragon (乌龙 wū lóng): unexpected mistake or mishap

Buddhism/Buddhist/Buddha-like (佛系 Fú xì): is an online buzzword and a cultural phenomenon. The main meaning is that there is no desire, neither sorrow nor joy, and the pursuit of inner peace of life attitude. The term first originated from a Japanese magazine in 2014, which introduced "Buddhist man", and then spread it on the Internet, and Buddhism derived a series of online words such as "Buddhist youth" and "Buddhist woman". On December 19, 2018, the word "Buddhist" was selected into the "Top Ten Internet Terms in 2018" released by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center.


Clone (分身 fēn shēn)): the genitals (BL slang)

Cow: Awesome (slang)

Crooked building: Lying


Didi (弟弟): Younger brother; junior male

Dog blood: Melodramatic

Dog couple (狗男女): a couple engaged in an illicit love affair; a cheating couple

Don't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field (肥水不流外人田 féi shuǐ bù liú wài rén tián): keep the goodies within the family (proverb)

Driven to Liangshan Mountain (逼上梁山): force; be driven to drastic alternatives; be driven to revolt; be forced to do something desperate; be forced to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels -- be compelled to do something against one's will; compel sb. to go to extremes; Despair gives cour

Duke Zhou (周公 Zhōu gōng): Duke of Zhou (11th c. BC), son of King Wen of Zhou 周文王[Zhou1 Wen2 wang2], played an important role as regent in founding the Western Zhou 西周[Xi1 Zhou1], and is also known as the "God of Dreams"


Eat tofu (吃豆腐 chī dòu fu): Eating tofu is now mostly referring to molesting and taking advantage of others. In addition, it also refers to a joke; in the old days, there was tofu in the meal prepared by the mourning family, so going to the mourning family to eat for condolences is called eating tofu, also called eating tofu rice. In order to fill up their belly, some people often go to eat with a cheeky face, after a long time, "eat tofu" will have the meaning of taking advantage. And the use of "eat tofu" on men to women means that men take advantage of women.

Eight characters (bā zì 八字): one's birth data for astrological purposes, combined from year, month, day, hour, heavenly trunk and earthly branch. Also birthdate characters used in fortune-telling


Fuqin (Fùqīn;父亲): Father (blood related father)


Ge/Gege (哥哥): Big brother

Gaoji (搞基) : (slang) to engage in male homosexual practices

Grab a seat (沙发): (Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post

Granny Liu visited the Grand View Garden: A character in the 18th century Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber. Refers to an elderly country rustic who visits the noble family who plays host to her, but which also makes fun of her openly for her simplicit. Granny Liu is, however, grateful for their generosity. The expression is used in modern Chinese to describe someone, usually simple and unsophisticated, who is overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings.

Green (青涩: qīng sè): underripe; (fig.) young and inexperienced

Green hat (绿帽 / 绿帽子: lǜ mào / lǜ mào zi): a cuckold; to be cuckolded by one's wife

Group pet (团宠 tuán chǒng): a person who is loved by everyone.


Hate the iron for not becoming steel (恨铁不成钢 hèn tiě bù chéng gāng): to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (idiom)


IP: IP means “intellectual property,” and in a general sense could refer to anything covered by copyright, trademark or patent. But for screenwriters, IP means some pre-existing property that a studio is hiring you to adapt into a movie.

Itchy teeth (牙痒痒 yá yǎng yang):gnashing of teeth in anger.




Ka wei (咖位): A celebrity’s status in the entertainment industry


Landlord (楼主): landlord of a building (traditional), original poster (in an online forum)

Laozi (老子/lǎo zi): "I, your father" (in anger, or out of contempt); I (used arrogantly or jocularly)

Lightning: Terrifying; terrific (slang)

Little padded jacket (小棉袄 xiǎo mián'ǎo): This term has been used metaphorically by the Chinese to refer to daughters, who are often considerate and heartwarming, and therefore are compared to a “padded jacket in winter” for parents.






Old fox (老狐狸 lǎo hú li): cunning person


Painting style (画风​; huà fēng): This Internet slang term is often used to describe one’s style in appearance and behavior or the vibes in an environment.

Paper tiger (纸老虎): The term refers to something or someone that claims or appears to be powerful or threatening, but is actually ineffectual and unable to withstand challenge

Pinkeye (红眼病 hóng yǎn bìng): envy; jealousy

Play Taichi (打太极): someone pushing something around, not giving a clear answer or a true statement

Porcelain bumping (碰瓷 pèng cí): a currently widespread fraud in PRC involving deliberately crashing cars then demanding compensation, find fault or blackmail

Put the cart before the horse (本末倒置 běn mò dào zhì): To put things in the wrong order or with the wrong priorities; to put something inconsequential as more important than something more essential




Really (真香 zhēn xiāng): You don't like something at first, but as you know more about it, you turn to like it

Rotten peach blossom (烂桃花): Rotten peach blossom is a life-threatening emotional relationship, but it makes many people unable to extricate themselves from it. The rotten peach blossom is also an emotional relationship between the sexes, which has many types. But its biggest feature is that it damages life and weakens a person's inner strength. The longer the relationship, the more loss.


Selling medicine in the gourd: suspicious movement

Shao (少): young; young master

Single Dog: Compared to adolescents and teenagers of the United States, Chinese youth have a much lower rate of finding relationships. This is not for want, but for traditional culture which promoted respect and restraint between the sexes, especially during the teenage years.
Positive remnants of this self-moderation still exist in Chinese society, but with both modern and social media facing youth, the pursuit of relationships, as opposed to studies or extra-curricular activities, is becoming more common among Chinese youth.
Chinese dating, being wholly different when compared to the norms of the West, make for a higher frequency of single high school students, college students, and even young working individuals. This, along with Chinese modesty, created this self-abasing title, “single dog.”

Slap in the face (打脸 dǎ liǎn): be proven wrong

Sofa (沙发 shā fā): (Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post

Sour grapes: the act or an instance of disparaging something desirable, simply because one does not have it or cannot do it Origin of sour grapes

Spreading Dog Food: Along the same line as the two above, this is for those couples who like to hug and kiss out in public areas. Others, upon seeing the couple behave that way, may say that the couple is “spreading dog food.” That is to say, the couple is taunting all of the “single dogs” that can see them. In America, this would be instead called a “public display of affection.”

Strike while the iron is hot (趁热打铁 chèn rè dǎ tiě): act at good opportunity or while circumstances are favourable

Sunspot/black mole (黑子): it refers to web users who vilify a celebrity on the Internet.


The dragon can't overwhelm the snake: a local gangster who is above the law

The intestine turned greed (肠子都悔青了): when one is consumed with remorse; extreme regret

TMD (他妈的/Tamade): Fvck

To settle an account (算账 suàn zhàng): to get one's revenge




Vinegar (醋 cù): jealousy (in love rivalry)


Walk-on actor (龙套 lóng tào): costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs. A walk-on role, also known simply as a walk-on, is an acting role that involves walking through a scene or background of a scene. As the name indicates, the role has an actor simply walk, which usually means walking in a certain direction for each and every take.

Weibo V certificate: Red and Yellow V certificate remarks only represent the individual blogger, and the content is only related to the blogger’s personal position. The authenticity of the posted content needs to be investigated. It is not excluded that the content is inaccurate or biased due to factors such as the blogger’s personal qualities, education, experience and mental state. Blue V is an agency certification, such as government, media, campus, enterprise, website, application and other official accounts can apply for agency certification.

Weichen (微臣: wēi chén): this small official; humble servant

When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter(树倒猢狲散): an opportunist abandons an unfavorable cause; loss of a supporter; members run away when the family or situation falls.

White lotus (白莲花 bái lián huā): The "white lotus" character is morally perfect, kindhearted, and harmless. They have no dark side, even if they leave "unintended" casualties behind them. But the meaning of white lotus sometimes referred to the original meaning as the opposite inside.


Xiao (小): Little (same with Japanese -chan ちゃん)

Xiao Gege (小哥哥): Brother/Big Brother (same with Japanese Nii-chan 兄ちゃん, so it doesn't means little brother)

Xiao hao (小号): Trumpet; a non-primary account of the user


YY (歪歪 wāi wāi: YY is a pinyin acronym for 意淫 [yì yín]. 1) To fantasize; 2) to have sexual fantasies; 3) to have unrealistic expectations. 4) to interpret things in narcissistic ways. 歪 [wāi] means crooked, slanted, and evil.


Zi (子): Boy, child

*Feel free to correct me or comment if you know something I don't know

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