Florist Little Boss Ch. 111

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"Here’s the latest news. At 6:23:47 this evening, Xili City in our country had a 6.4-magnitude earthquake with a focal depth of 100 kilometers. At present, all communications in Xili City have been paralyzed. The specific situation is still unclear. Our rescue team has rushed to Xili City..."


Gu Ruchu, who was sitting on the sofa holding Gao Xun and watching the news, was startled by the sudden sound behind him. He turned around and asked, "What's wrong? Did you get burned?"

Gao Yang stared at the male host on the TV. The male host opened and closed his mouth, and he couldn't hear what he was saying at all. Gu Ruchu found Gao Yang's face pale and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Xili City... an earthquake..." Gao Yang trembled and reached into his pocket, "I... I will call him." He wanted to confirm whether the person was safe.

"Who are you going to call?" Gu Ruchu saw him take out his phone for a long time before taking it out, and dialed the number for a long time.

Gao Yang said, "Tao Zi, a friend of mine, went on a business trip to Xili City."

Tao Zi? Could it be the Tao Zi from the Tao family? He had met Ni Chengjun's classmate a few times. To be honest, he didn't look like a medical student, but more like an artist.

Gao Yang's phone call was followed by a "beep, beep, beep" tone. He dialed again, but it was still a beep. Gao Yang's eyes were red with anxiety. Gu Ruchu covered the phone and said calmly, "Don't worry, the news said that the communication over there was completely cut off, and there must be no signal. It's less than half an hour before the accident. Let's wait a little longer. He may not be in trouble."

Tao Zi was the first friend Gao Yang made after leaving school, and a friend who is sincere to him. If... he couldn't even think about it. Gao Yang wiped his face and took a deep breath, "Well, let's eat first."

"I'll clean up." Gu Ruchu took the initiative to say, handing Gao Xun to Gao Yang, "You feed him first."

Gao Xun ate a small bowl of carrot cod porridge. Gao Yang really didn't have much appetite, and absent-mindedly stuffed a few mouthfuls of rice. Gu Ruchu didn't persuade him much. Everyone knew the truth. If he put himself in Gao Yang's shoes, if he was his good friend, he would also be very worried. It's useless to say more.

Gao Yang stood by the window and called Qin Shaoyan. Qin Shaoyan had received the news, but he was calmer than Gao Yang. "It's useless for us to worry here. All we can do now is pray and wait for news quietly at home."

"But I can't control myself from thinking about it."

Qin Shaoyan turned the pen with one hand, "Someone has rushed to the scene to direct the rescue operation. Don't worry, he will be fine."

"Is it Mr. Yun? Did he go too?" For some reason, he had the idea that if Mr. Yun went, Tao Zi would definitely be fine. Maybe it was related to Yun Kuo's demeanor, safe and trustworthy.

Could he not go? His heart was there, "Yes, not only him, but Tao Zi's father also went."

Gao Yang was stunned for a moment, "Tao Zi's father? Why did he go too?" Wasn't it forbidden for irrelevant personnel to go there to prevent unnecessary trouble for the rescuers?

"As the leader of the medical team, how could he not go."

Ah, he almost forgot! Tao Zi's family was a medical family. His grandfather, father, mother, and aunt were all famous doctors. It seemed reliable, and his worries were relieved. "I really hope he can come back safely."

"There is an old saying that goes, evil will last for a thousand years*."
(*people who cause disaster live for a long time.)

Gao Yang almost laughed, and said this to his childhood friend, "Be careful if he finds out, he will come back and beat you up."

"He dare not."

Qin Shaoyan talked to Gao Yang easily, but he was actually worried in his heart. After all, Tao Zi was his brother, but he was used to hiding his emotions. Qin Shaoyan picked up the landline and made an internal call, "Jie Ni, in the name of the company, donate 10 million to the Xili earthquake."

"Orchids like shady places. They are afraid of direct sunlight and like moist, fertile soil. Mr. Ye's pot of flowers is growing well and there is nothing wrong with it." Gao Yang observed for a while and said that he didn't expect that only two days later, Ye Jingsheng would bring his orchids to his house. He was not the only one who came. The other gentleman was also very handsome and had a strong aura. He gave people a stern and unsmiling feeling. Gao Yang didn't dare to speak loudly, although the other party was just sitting quietly drinking tea.

"Are you worried about something?" Ye Jingsheng's eyes were sharp and he could tell at a glance that Gao Yang was not in a good mood.

All credit goes to the original author
Feel free to pinpoint us if there are any grammar error or typos
Please don't use Guazi's translation to re-translate in other languages

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