Florist Little Boss Ch. 114

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Sometimes Qin Shaoyan really couldn't help but want to tell Gao Yang the truth, but when he thought that he could lower his proud head and sell his body for the sake of what he thought was his biological mother, he really couldn't say it.

Qin Shaoyan said softly, "Uncle Ye likes to drink tea, go to the cabinet and take some over, you can treat him next time he comes. If you are interested, you can make more pastries, Uncle Ye doesn't like butter."

"Is that so? I don't like butter either." Gao Yang wrote it down and ran to the kitchen excitedly to make some walnut pastries.

So you two were father and son, Qin Shaoyan smiled and turned to go upstairs to see if Gao Xun woke up.

Mrs. Zhou went out to buy some food. When she came back, she smelled a fragrance. She went into the kitchen and saw that Gao Yang was making something delicious again. "It smells so good. What are you making?"

"Mrs. Zhou is back." Gao Yang said with a smile, "Come and try the cakes I just made. This is walnut cake, this is black rice sesame cake, and this is made with coix seed and red bean."

Mrs. Zhou picked up a piece of coix seed and red bean cake and nodded in praise, "It's delicious, not worse than those made in teahouses."

"If you like, eat a few more pieces. Anyway, I made a lot. I'll take some up for Qin Shaoyan to try." Gao Yang considerately made him a cup of tea for fear that Qin Shaoyan would get sick of the sweets if he ate too much.

Qin Shaoyan was reading emails on his laptop in the room. He heard a noise at the door and looked up. "Is it done?"

"Yes, I made several flavors and brought them up for you to try." Gao Yang put the wooden plate on the coffee table. "You work first."

"It doesn't matter." He was able to do many things at the same time. "What did you do?"

Gao Yang introduced them one by one, and then whispered, "If Tao Zi was here, he would definitely eat and take."

Qin Shaoyan's typing hand paused for a moment. Seeing that he was in a low mood, he reached out and rubbed his head. "Don't worry, no news is also good news. Didn't Yun Kuo also say that the situation this time is not serious?"

"Yes." Gao Yang sorted out his mood. "Have you finished your work?"

"There are still a few emails to reply."

"Your hands are not convenient, I'll feed you."


"I didn't put too much sugar when I made it, so it shouldn't be too sweet." Gao Yang said as he fed him. He felt his finger being licked lightly by the tip of his tongue, and it felt itchy. He quickly withdrew his hand, probably accidentally licked it, " does it taste?"


"Really? I've obviously reduced the proportion." He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth, "No, it's not very sweet."

"Really?" Qin Shaoyan said with a straight face, "Maybe there was too much in the piece just now, give me another piece."

Gao Yang fed him another piece, and was licked by the warm tongue again...

Gao Yang blinked and coughed unnaturally, "Well, eat it yourself, this thing is easy to choke, drink more water, I'll go to the next door to see if my son is awake."

Looking at Gao Yang's back as he fled, Qin Shaoyan smiled unkindly.

On the flight to Guangcheng, Bai Ye was flipping through the e-sports weekly magazine he bought at the airport with great interest. This time they were going to Guangcheng for the spring season, which would last for half a month. However, if they failed to make it to the finals, they might return early.

Guangcheng was in the south, not as cold as the north. He had done some research before leaving, and knew that the temperature there was more than 10 or 20 degrees, so he did not bring any heavy clothes. There were also many delicious foods in Guangcheng, so he could go and eat a lot again. "Captain Qu, where are we going to eat after we get off the plane?"

Bai Ye turned around and saw Qu Wanzhou sleeping against the back of the chair, looking not very good, "He fell asleep."

The team members sitting in the back row stretched their necks and said to Vice Captain Bai, "We found that the captain was not in a good spirit when we had dinner yesterday. Could he be sick?"

"Is that so?" Bai Ye went home to pack his luggage yesterday afternoon. He was not in the team and did not know the situation. He asked the flight attendant for a blanket to cover Qu Wanzhou, "Have a good sleep."

In the past, whether on a plane, train or bus, Bai Ye was always the one who fell asleep, and Qu Wanzhou would sit quietly beside him and wake him up when they got to the destination. This time, it was Qu Wanzhou who fell asleep, while Bai Ye kept his eyes open.

All credit goes to the original author
Feel free to pinpoint us if there are any grammar error or typos
Please don't use Guazi's translation to re-translate in other languages

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