The Wolf is Coming Ch. 54

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Unlike Trelawney's confusing divination such as observing smoke and tea leaves, Firenze's teaching style of teaching students astrology obviously catered to the hobbies of many little girls.

"Observe the sky. For those who can see, our destiny is written here." Firenze led the students to lie on the ground and look up at the stars. "Mars, representing war, flickered brilliantly above our heads, suggesting that the war will start again soon..."

Compared to Trelawney's startled tone, Firenze's voice could be said to be very calm. Even if he was interpreting the upcoming war, such a dull tone seemed as if these things had nothing to do with him.

As Emma listened, her eyelids became heavy, and she actually fell asleep accidentally.

Emma didn't know if she was dreaming. Because it was pitch black in front of her, she couldn't see any pictures, but there were noisy voices ringing in her ears. She didn't know if it was an illusion, in the noise, she actually heard Abraham's voice...

When Emma woke up, Firenze's divination class had already ended. She sat up suddenly and finally found that all the classmates had left. She was the only one left in the huge classroom.

*clip-clop* *clip-clop* *clip-clop*

The sound of horse hooves stepping on the floor gradually approached. It was Firenze who returned to the classroom.

"Sorry, Professor..." Emma felt that she would definitely be blacklisted in the divination class because she fell asleep directly in the first class of the new professor.

"You don't need to apologize, Miss Granger." Firenze's tone was still so calm. "If you fall into a dream when you are in contact with divination, it is very likely to be a precognitive dream. So I asked the little wizards not to disturb you and wait for you to wake up. So, Miss Granger, what did you see in your dream?"


Another week passed, and just when Emma thought Abraham had completely lost contact, Trickster reappeared on the long table of Gryffindor.

Abraham sent her a hairpin, which was purely handmade.

He seemed to be very good at handicraft work. First, there was the cute stone painting, and then this hairpin, they were all very cute.

When Emma took this hairpin out of the package, the long-dormant girl's heart suddenly awakened, and she fell in love with it almost at first sight.

This hairpin was really quite exquisite. The silver frog buckle was about half the length of a palm, and was made into the shape of a twisted branch. Three red roses of different sizes were just right on the branches. The small petals were crystal clear, and even the lines were carved very delicately. The color looked a bit like red garnet, but the texture seemed to be much harder than garnet.

"Wow, this hairpin is so beautiful!" Ginny, who was sitting on the side, saw the hairpin with sharp eyes and immediately came over, "Is it a new product from a jewelry store? I haven't seen it!"

Ginny's voice was not small, so the little wizards around looked at them, especially the girls who love beauty.

"I didn't buy it. My friend did it himself." Emma's tone revealed a happy mood.

"Oh~ I know who it is!" Ginny said excitedly, "Is it the person who often writes to you? The person who always sends you letters with black carvings!"

Emma smiled and nodded in Ginny's gossiping eyes.

"Wow~" Ginny teased her with a smile, "I can probably guess what you dreamed about in the divination class last time, amethyst or lucky clover?"

Emma looked at Ginny helplessly, "Your voice is too loud."

Then, in the envious eyes of a group of little girls around, Emma changed the other old hairpin on her head.

From this day on, Emma and Abraham resumed their previous correspondence.

Although the topics in the letters were still those trivial topics, it seemed that something had quietly changed.

All credit goes to the original author
Feel free to pinpoint us if there are any grammar error or typos
Please don't use Guazi's translation to re-translate in other languages

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