The Wolf is Coming Ch. 71

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The new semester was destined to be turbulent, which could be seen from the pitifully small number of freshmen this year.

However, most of the well-protected young wizards will not notice this. They were surprised that the professor of Potions was replaced by Horace Slughorn, and Professor Snape, who had taught Potions for many years, got the opportunity to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. What the young wizards talked about most was that Professor Trelawney returned to her post and shared the teaching tasks of Divination for several grades with the Centaur Firenze; hearing that they were not in harmony, many gossiping young wizards were paying attention to whether the two professors would fight because of this.

Emma was not interested in all kinds of gossip in Hogwarts. In contrast, she was more willing to write to Abraham and confide her girlish thoughts during this period. However, these letters were like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response. This made Emma nervous, fearing that Abraham would encounter danger in a corner she didn't know.

In the third week after school started, Emma celebrated her seventeenth birthday; to be precise, it should be Hermione's birthday.

That morning, the long-lost Trickster landed in front of Emma with a package that looked very heavy. After skillfully untying the heavy package and feeding Trickster some food, Emma's heart, which had been worried for many days, finally let go a little.

The package was rich in things, including gifts from Abraham and the Grangers; it seemed that Abraham had been running to her house a lot during Emma's absence.

However, when Emma unfolded the letter enclosed in the package, she realized that this was actually the third letter Abraham had sent her this week. As for where the first two letters went, they didn't know.

Emma didn't seem to be the first one to encounter the loss of letters. Soon, she learned from other little wizards that they had lost some letters recently, and some people's owls had never returned after flying out.

More and more owls and letters disappeared, and the Daily Prophet reported more and more tragedies and tragic events. After a Hufflepuff wizard cried in public because she learned that her family had also died, Hogwarts was finally imposed emergency measures; all objects entering and leaving Hogwarts had to be checked, even the owls delivering letters were no exception.

The previously relaxed and lively atmosphere was suddenly covered by nervous emotions, and even the young wizards in the lower grades began to pay attention to the situation outside Hogwarts.

After such depressing days lasted for a while, the young wizards ushered in the long-awaited Hogsmeade Week.


"A cup of hot cocoa, thank you." Nymphadora Tonks slapped a few silver Sickles on the bar.

"Oh, hot cocoa again! Miss Tonks, this is a bar. There are so many delicious wines to choose from, but you only order this every time?" The bar owner muttered, but his hands were heating up the cocoa without hesitation.

"Sorry, it's working hours now, I can't drink." Because the bar owner was an acquaintance, Tonks simply explained a few words.

"I understand, I understand." The bar owner said repeatedly, pushing a cup of steaming cocoa and a few silver Sickles in front of Tonks, "The safety of our area depends on Miss Tonks, this cup of hot cocoa is my treat."

"Thank you." Although Tonks said this, she only took the hot cocoa on the bar.

After finishing the hot drink in her hand, Tonks felt much warmer. She put the empty cup on the bar, then wrapped her thick coat tightly and strode out of the bar.

As the current situation became more and more serious, Tonks was stationed in Hogsmeade when the school was about to start. Although her mission was to protect Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, the various attacks of the Death Eaters were currently focused on Squibs and Muggle-born wizards, so Tonks's mission was relatively easy for the time being.

Winter always came so early in Hogsmeade. It's not even November yet, but the weather was so cold that people are reluctant to go out. Some smart vendors start selling scarves and gloves with heat preservation charms.

Tonks looked up at the increasingly gloomy sky, blew a breath of warm air into her palm, and started a new day of patrol.

As usual, she went to the platform of Hogsmeade Village first. This place was not only the highest point of the village, but also the closest place to Hogwarts.

All credit goes to the original author
Feel free to pinpoint us if there are any grammar error or typos
Please don't use Guazi's translation to re-translate in other languages

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