The Wolf is Coming Ch. 108

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Abraham was not surprised at all. He got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and said regretfully, "This car is scrapped like this. I originally planned to send it back after using it."

Harry also got up from the ground and said with a headache, "I told you to drive slowly, drive slowly, but you didn't listen."

"Do you think we are on a self-driving tour? Wake up, we are running for our lives..." Seeing the two people coming from not far away, Abraham suddenly changed the subject, "Oh, someone is here to pick us up."

Harry also looked over quickly.

However, what greeted them was not smiles and hugs, but two wands that were almost touching their noses, accompanied by a loud question, "Prove that you are Harry and Abraham, now!"


"Good news, they are back!" Mr. Weasley said loudly as soon as he entered the door.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Weasley immediately came forward, "They? You mean Harry and Abraham? Are they okay?"

"Yes, and intact." Mr. Weasley said, letting the two dusty people into the house.

Seeing Harry and Abraham come back together, the huge stone hanging in everyone's heart finally fell down, and they gathered around, clamoring, and asking questions.

Hagrid was so excited that he almost cried. He patted Harry's shoulder with his big hand, and Harry almost fell down. Ginny took the opportunity to hug Harry, and then ran away quickly before he could react.

Emma looked Abraham up and down for a while, and reached out to touch his face, but Abraham stepped back and dodged, "Don't touch me, I'm quite dirty now."

So Emma laughed out loud, "How did it get like this?"

"I rolled over on the ground a few times when I jumped out of the car." Abraham wiped his face, and sure enough, he got a hand full of dust.

"Jumping off the car?" Emma asked in surprise, "Didn't you jump off the Thestral? Why are you jumping off the train?"

Abraham simply explained to Emma how they came back, while Harry on the side kept complaining about the bad ride. In the end, Mrs. Weasley couldn't stand it anymore and sent the two to take a shower and change clothes, and everyone let them go.

In any case, although this operation was inevitable with sacrifices, it was a success.

After a good rest for two days, Harry became lively again, but he was not allowed to leave the protection range of the Burrow's protective spell.

And Abraham also got some free time and stayed at the Burrow to accompany Emma for many days. Couples are together every day, kissing and hugging are inevitable, but every time Harry ran into them, he would show the same expression as Ron and run away immediately as if he saw a ghost.

Of course, there was a small episode during this period, Abraham turned into a wolf again on a full moon night.

This was a normal thing. Abraham was afraid that his wolf form would scare everyone, so he consciously went to the attic in advance. But the Weasley twins played a joke on Ron again, hiding his things in the attic and tricking Ron to find them himself.

So, when Ron climbed to the attic tremblingly, he met a pair of champagne-colored animal eyes in the dark.

Later, according to Fred's exaggerated description, Ron's heartfelt scream was actually comparable to that of a mandrake. But not long after he said this, Fred and George were suppressed by Mrs. Weasley.

In general, this was actually a rare time of rest.

As the weather gradually warmed up and the sun gradually shone, Bill and Fleur's wedding was finally put on the agenda.

All credit goes to the original author
Feel free to pinpoint us if there are any grammar error or typos
Please don't use Guazi's translation to re-translate in other languages

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